Dandelion in the wind

New Beginnings

This April we welcome a new beginning for Gentle Nature Skincare as we rebrand with a new logo and a new look for our products.

Gentle Nature Skincare was launched in April 2021 as a local skincare brand offering artisanal handmade soaps, natural skincare as well as wellness and aromatherapy products catering to those with sensitive skincare needs.

Our mission today remains the same as before, which is to help bring daily comfort to those with sensitive skin. Having a young daughter with eczema made me realize how compromised skin can bring about inconveniences and discomfort to daily activities that many of us take for granted. Such as having a good night's sleep or spending a regular day without having to constantly scratch at dry itchy skin!

The dandelion is commonly associated with the season of Spring and was chosen for our logo as it represents the return of life and that things can be good again after a harsh winter. The name derives from the French term dents-de-lion, meaning lion's teeth. The dandelion is a well-known weed. Yet, this humble plant is also a symbol of hope, growth and healing in many cultures around the world from Europe to Asia.

As we depart from our old logo to a new one that better represents our purpose, we look forward to continuing our journey as we learn and improve at how we can serve those with sensitive skincare needs.
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